Why go public after hiding my weaknesses so many years? The freeing power of Christ's grace has encouraged, healed, and strengthened me, compelling me to share. May we all increasingly experience His power perfected in our weaknesses!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

"How Do I Stop This Cycle?" - Fighting OCD Part 2

In Part 1 of this post I mentioned Dr. Mark Crawford’s “Four R’s” from his book, The Obsessive-Compulsive Trap. (1) Recognize (2) Resist (3) Replace (4) Re-direct

Here is more of the essence of my response to the dear reader who asked, “How do I stop this [OCD] cycle?”

Learning to use the Four R's and to endure the “critical interval” (the period of time that "must be endured in order to break the pattern of OCD") (p. 128, 115) have been such powerful tools in my fight against OCD! These tools, combined with immersing myself in the freeing truths of the gospel -- discussed in a recent post called "Scrupulosity OCD and the Power of the Gospel" --  have been powerfully used by God for my growth and victory. 

I encourage you to use the principles in Dr. Crawford’s book, and to have "at least 1 or 2 close friends or family members … serve as supportive coaches, encouragers, and prayer partners," ideally who understand at least a little about OCD (p. 120).  My husband was my closest encourager; he kept up with Dr. Crawford's book and what I was learning in professional counseling. 

As my mind has been renewed through taking my obsessive thoughts captive and replacing them with truth, my mind has become clearer than I ever imagined it could be.  An even more wonderful result is that that my understanding and intimate knowledge of God has grown so much.  I have experienced much more of the abundant life that Jesus speaks of in John 10:10, such as having much greater confidence in Him, awareness of God keeping His promises, and the fruit of the Spirit being formed in me.

Though the fight takes time and hard work, even the challenge of OCD is a wonderful opportunity to grow in the knowledge and love of the Savior Jesus Christ.  Jesus provides the tools to grow and gives the grace to obey and trust Him one step at a time. He perfects His power in our weakness. The pursuit of knowing Him in this way is worth it. 

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