Why go public after hiding my weaknesses so many years? The freeing power of Christ's grace has encouraged, healed, and strengthened me, compelling me to share. May we all increasingly experience His power perfected in our weaknesses!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My OCD Journey - Vision

Making "daughter choices" (explained in my previous post) is critical to both my growth in Christ and victory over OCD.  The process of making daughter choices a consistent part of my life has been a long struggle, and at times the struggle can still be fierce.

Growing in Christ and healing mentally have both been hard and long journeys, captured in the "Process" poem on page 8 of Learning to Live the Spirit-Filled Life.  What has kept me going? One of the biggest motivators has been envisioning what a victorious life would be like.  As Dr. Mark Crawford writes in The Obsessive-Compulsive Trap: Real Help for A Real Struggle, "I ask my patients to envision what their life would be like if they did not have OCD....Because the treatment is not always easy, I believe that it is important for people to have a vision of what they can accomplish in order to maintain the motivation to persevere through some of the 'work' of treatment" (109-110).

My motivating vision includes being a wife who effectively encourages and helps my husband; a mother who competently cares for and inspires my children; and a friend who compassionately listens and serves. 

But the foundation of my motivating vision is an intimate relationship with my Creator.  I long to know Christ and to live life fully through Him.  I have found that everything else flows from being in intimate fellowship with Him.

OCD, scrupulosity, sin, and other things hinder my fellowship with Christ.  Fighting these challenges can be so hard, but He is worth fighting for.